Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Celebrating Mother's Day

Gorgor helped made a cake for mommy because i am too small to do so. But we enjoyed the cake and mommy had a happy day. This is the family portrait before the cake was cut, which gorgor was still planning his incision.
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My first swim

Hey this is not so bad after all....
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My first swim

Easing into the water.
Mommy, you will support me right?
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My first swim

Posing with mommy before getting into the pool
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My first hotel room stay out

And i slept soundly, dreaming of strumming a guitar....
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Milestone : Neck control!

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Hi there!

Do you think i look good in this hat?
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Hand Art!

The jiejie is painting a shooting star on my forearm!
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At the Playground

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Daddy and Me!

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Daddy brought me to Aunt Ivy and Vivian!

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Bumble Bee

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Attempting to flip

I m trying to now able to move my body sideways...